What does your bear body look like?

Maybe you’re a parent looking to keep up with your children, and eventually… grandchildren. You might be an athlete with the goal of maintaining peak performance. What to get fit and feel good in your body? Trying to climb that mountain and want to add the strength to reach the top? Or you might be someone like I was: feeling out of shape knowing that I had much more inside myself and SO much more ahead of me.

Though being fit and strong was always a desire of mine, as it happens sometimes, life seemed to slide by. I struggled to prioritize fitness goals in an increasingly busy life until daily activities became difficult or worse, painful. I made a change in my life, and I know you can too. I’m Meisha, a Personal Trainer designing concierge fitness programs based on your dynamic needs and goals.

We all have primal strength, ready to unleash yours?

Meisha Klint


CPR / AED Certified

Baseball Fanatic

Krav Maga Humble Student

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